From the Dean
April 19, 2024LGBTQ+ and Friends Gatherings
April 19, 2024The Center for Prayer and Spirituality
Engaging the Contemplative Life
Father Eric Kahl, Director
“Engaging the Contemplative Life” is a new column that will be appearing in The Eagle as an offering of The Center for Prayer and Spirituality. It is appropriate that the first edition appears in the Season of the Spirit – Pentecost!
“Engaging the Contemplative Life” is also the new tag line for the Center. It identifies the focus of the Center and will give renewed direction to this ministry that has been so integral to the life of the Cathedral.
As I live into the role of director of the Center, please know that my primary job is to listen. Listen to the Spirit, listen to the People of God of the Cathedral, listen to the world in which God has placed us. So please, please feel free to call, text or email me if you have a need to speak or write about things contemplative, prayer, the Center.
I share with you where we are and where we are going with The Center for Prayer and Spirituality.
We will maintain the current contemplative practices of the Center including the monthly Saturday morning Quiet Garden, weekly Yoga and Sound, Centering Prayer Circles, and E-Word. Those practices and events are scheduled through December although some are taking a summer sabbatical.
Descriptions, dates, and times will be communicated in The Eagle and on the Cathedral’s website. The Center’s mission statement, offerings and additional information can be found under the LEARN tab on the front page of the website.
A new board for the Center is being formed and we will guide and support the Center’s mission as we
Examine and evaluate the Center’s current offerings
Expand the offerings of the Center through exploration and experimentation
Listen to the Spirit, listen to the People of God at the Cathedral, listen to the world in which God has placed us
The members of the board can be found on the Center’s page on the website.
I invite you join me on Saturday, August 13 to a mini-retreat I am “Slowing Down in a Hurry-Up World.” We will gather on the grounds of the Cathedral to explore the meaning and purpose of time as we live in an ever-expanding world that is calling us to an ever-increasing pace of life.
I invite you to all things “Contemplative”.
I invite you to pray for the Center as we share in Christ’s ministry.
Peace in Him who is Peace,