Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.
~Matthew 25:40
As a parish and as a Cathedral church, we are committed to service and to deep involvement in our community. St. John's has a long history of effective and creative reponses to the needs around us. Volunteer opportunities are varied and rich. Being situated in the heart of downtown Jacksonville invites us to remember our Lord's words, "In as much as you did this to the least of these, you did it to me."
St. John's offers many opportunities for lay ministry within the parish. And beyond our walls, our outreach ministries aim to bring Christ's love to the greater community.
Serve In Worship
Liturgical Ministry Teams
Our worship services are brought to life by the dedication of our Liturgical Ministry Team.
Serve At The Cathedral
There are numerous opportunities for members to serve at the Cathedral.
Serve The Community
We support a variety of organizations in our local community, that you can get involved with today.
Serve In Worship
Our worship services are brought to life by the dedication of our Liturgical Ministry Team. This team, composed of various lay ministries, ensures the seamless execution of our liturgy. Each week, we rely on volunteers to prepare and serve at the altar, read Scripture and Prayers of the People, greet attendees at the doors, and guide them to their seats. Join us in making our worship a beautiful and meaningful experience. To find out more, please contact Pam Searcy, Director of Parish Engagement, [email protected].
Readers, or lectors, are lay volunteers who read the lessons and lead the Prayers of the People during worship services. We offer opportunities to serve at the 8 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning services and at special events, such as Choral Evensongs throughout the year. Lectors must have a strong voice, an ability to read well and take the responsibility for advance preparation, which includes reading the lesson several times and checking pronunciation with the Clergy.
Serve at the Altar as an acolyte. Acolytes carry torches and crosses (and sometimes flags, banners, and doves) in procession; light and extinguish candles before and after the worship service; lead the Gospel procession; serve the High Altar; carry the Gospel Book in procession; participate fully in the worship service. Acolytes typically serve one or two times each month, and also at special services during Easter, Advent, and Evensongs.
Prepare for Worship by joining the Sanctuary Guild. Its members prepare for each cathedral service by setting out the implements needed at the altar, laundering linens, changing and caring for our ecclesiastic fabrics (such as altar hangings) and also coordinate decorating the cathedral for holidays such as Christmas, Palm Sunday, and Easter.
Flower Arrangements beautify the Sanctuary and are offered to the Glory of God each Sunday. If you have a talent for floral arrangements, consider assisting with the altar decorations for Sundays and special holidays.
Greeters and Ushers are the first people you may see when visiting the Cathedral on a Sunday morning. Greeter and ushers ensure the orderly flow of the service from the "back of house," overseeing the set up and cleanliness of the nave, distribution of service leaflets, the alms collection, and they also conduct congregants to and from their seats during communion. Ushers are also the "eyes and ears" of the cathedral, being the ministers in charge of calling for assistance in the event of a medical or security emergency. Most of all, they are there to make you feel welcome. To volunteer, contact Junior Warden, Patrick Kimball, [email protected].
Serve At The Cathedral
There are numerous opportunities for members to serve at the Cathedral. You can volunteer to deliver flowers, answer the phone at the front desk, assist with setting up and taking down art exhibitions, tend to the Cathedral gardens and grounds, or tackle a task from our honey-do list! To get involved, please reach out to Pam Searcy, Director of Parish Engagement, [email protected], unless another contact is listed.
Front Desk Volunteers: Our receptionist desk is manned by dedicated volunteers. They answer the phones and route calls, sort mail, and make copies.
Flower Delivery: Every Monday, flowers are hand-delivered to those who are homebound and those in the hospital.
Handyman: Are you skilled in basic maintenance and repair tasks? This volunteer role is ideal for those who enjoy hands-on work and want to contribute to the upkeep of our cherished space. If you have the skills and time to help, please Paul Calewarts, [email protected].
Assist with Art Exhibitions: Our rotating art exhibitions in the Taliaferro Hall Gallery require many hands for setup and takedown. If you’re interested in volunteering to assist with these tasks, please reach out to Heather Lawson at [email protected]. Your support helps ensure our exhibitions are displayed beautifully for all to enjoy!
Caring for Gardens: Our “Lay Weeders” are dedicated to enhancing the beauty of the Cathedral grounds, and we welcome all who share this passion! We gather several times a year on Saturday mornings to weed, trim, mulch, and plant flowers while enjoying each other’s company. Our mission is to extend the love and hospitality of our Cathedral community to the outdoors.
Serve The Community
As a parish and Cathedral church, we are deeply committed to serving our community with compassion and creativity. From building housing to offering arts and educational opportunities, St. John’s has a rich history of addressing needs in ways that make a lasting impact. See the list of active ministries below:
St. Mary’s Food Pantry
Every Sunday, you'll find bags of groceries around the font—faithfully donated by parishioners and delivered to St. Mary’s Food Pantry. Our neighbors depend on this generosity, making it an easy yet impactful way to serve the community each week.
Family Promise
Family Promise of Jacksonville is a local nonprofit that works with homeless families. Three or four times a year St. John's Cathedral "hosts" up to three families, even though they live temporarily at the Family Promise Day Center located at Arlington Congregational Church on University Boulevard North. During our "Host Weeks" we are asked to do two things - provide a hot meal each evening and provide grocery items such as food for breakfast and lunch, as well as general household items such as shampoo, laundry detergent, diapers. etc. If you are willing to provide either a hot meal for up to 13 people or grocery items, please contact Lynn Doiron: [email protected]. She will put you on a list to be contacted before the next host week.
Angel Tree
For over 15 years, St. John’s Cathedral has partnered with Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree Christmas program. Angel Tree Christmas restores and strengthens relationships between incarcerated parents and their children and families, giving incarcerated parents a way to provide a Christmas gift and a personal message, delivered by caring volunteers, as a tangible representation of their love. Each year we need volunteers to deliver gifts. To help, please contact Megan Cochran: [email protected].
Church without Walls
Church Without Walls has found a home within the walls of Cummings Chapel, meeting every Sunday at 1 p.m. Led by the Rev. Beth Tjoflat, this service offers the homeless a place to experience God’s peace and grace. You are warmly invited to join in worship alongside our neighbors. On select Sundays, St. John’s prepares and provides lunches for those attending. To volunteer for packing or to contribute food, please contact Lynn Doiron at [email protected].
Hunger Fight
For the past five years, St. John's Cathedral has proudly hosted an annual food packing event with Hunger Fight. This multi-generational effort brings our community together to provide much-needed meals for local families in need. All you need to do is sign up when the date is announced.
Green Spirits
Green Spirits is a community outreach and social networking group at St. John's Cathedral dedicated to environmental stewardship. Our vision is to take action by learning about, protecting, and renewing God's earth and all its inhabitants. Stay informed about our upcoming events by signing up for our newsletter.