We at St. John's have an online church community where we can connect with each other outside our Sunday gatherings. We'd love for you to take part!
Realm® is our new database system that replaces AccessACS. In Realm® you can login to view your profile information, see your pledge and other giving, chat within your groups (including sending pictures), look up new groups/ministries to join, and more!
We are still building and updating the database information. So, if you notice information on your profile or in your groups that need to be added or changed please call the office at (904) 356-5507.
Get Started
1. Set up your account by clicking the link in the email invitation and setting your password. Contact us if you did not receive an email invitation.
2. Click the link in the confirmation email to complete setup.
Your Profile
Join us in helping our staff keep accurate records and helping our clergy shepherd the flock they love.
1. Make sure your profile information is correct.
2. Upload a current photo of yourself and, if applicable, of your family.
Your Giving
Manage your giving as recurring or one-time donations in a secure, easy-to-use environment. Contribution statements are always available via your profile.
Online giving is convenient for you and the staff. It also saves us time and money.
Your Groups
Groups are a great way to get and stay connected. For example, your small group or class can have a group in Realm®.
Realm® Help
Thank you for joining our online community. There's a wide variety of ways you can use Realm® to interact with your fellow parishioners. If any of these guides are not able to assist you, please feel free to reach out to our staff for further assistance.