Grow and prosper
April 19, 2024Hearing God in Poetry
April 19, 2024Dear Cathedral,
This Sunday I want you to try something new … wear a name tag. I know! But, many new people are coming on Sundays, and we don’t know one another. So please humor me and take the risk of putting your name on a sticky name tag this Sunday and trying it out. There are many incredible people in this congregation, and I can’t wait for you to get to know one another.
In-person community is a powerful thing. Reach out and introduce yourself to someone that you don’t know. St. Benedict taught us many centuries ago that when we meet a stranger, that person might be Christ himself. Don’t you want to get to know that person? We have been isolated for so long. Let’s begin to reach out to one another once more.
May Christ’s love be amongst us now and always,