Lay Weeder Spring Work Day
April 22, 2024
Raquel: The Soul Speaks
April 22, 2024Dear People of God,
At the annual meeting on Sunday, we saw statistics indicating a direct connection between a healthy, growing parish and the number of families with young children. If you look at our acolyte program, our children’s ministry or our Sunday School program, you will clearly see that we are a healthy, growing parish. To ensure continued growth, we want to remind the parish of all that we offer in the way of children and young Children’s Formation Ministry on Sunday mornings.
Laurie Thakkar and Felicia Bullock have graciously agreed to help coordinate the teams of teachers for the young children – Pre-K through 2nd grade and the elementary age children – 3rd grade through 5th grade. Laurie said recently,
“I am looking forward to working with families and clergy to organize parent gatherings, family activities and service opportunities in and outside of our Church. We hope that families feel welcome to make suggestions as we create new programming this spring.”
Regarding the younger children, Felicia added,
“we are preparing a special Lenten program for the younger children in the Godly Play tradition.”
Please let us know if you feel called to Children’s Formation Ministry or need help finding your child’s spot. For those children who are younger than pre-K, we have our beautiful Hakimian Family nursery, which is well-staffed and ready to care for your children. However, if that is not your preference, little ones are welcome in church to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord!” Our children are an essential part of us as the Body of Christ, and as Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.”
Finally from Father Mark, here are some words of support for our Children’s Ministry:
“We are called to be a church where all people are confident that they are welcome and everyone knows they have been called to serve Christ. To realize this vision fully, we must constantly recommit ourselves to sharing God’s love with the children and youth among us. The best research demonstrates that the healthiest and most vibrant churches have a great focus on children and youth. Even more importantly, Jesus said, “let the little children come to me.” We currently allocate about four percent of our budget to children and youth, but I believe we can (and should) do so much more. In short, whether we are driven by data or the direction of Jesus, we must continue to echo this holy invitation: let the little children come unto us.”
Please contact me if you have any questions, thoughts or suggestions about our Children’s Ministry. Your input is essential for us to be the welcoming congregation the Cathedral has always been.
Love in Christ,
Owene Courtney, Director of Formation and Spirituality