Beaches Fine Arts Series presents VINCENT DUBOIS titular organist at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame
April 22, 2024
Flowering the Cross
April 22, 2024One of Christianity’s most ancient services, Easter Vigil begins in the darkened Cathedral with the Service of Light: kindling a bonfire and lighting the Paschal candle. By candlelight, we recount Hebrew Scripture’s history of God’s saving works and then renew our baptismal vows. Then, everything changes: life, light, resurrection! WE will make some noise! Shout “Alleluia!” because Jesus is risen. Bring handbells or other noise makers to join in the fun! This moment is literally and figuratively life-changing.
The Vigil culminates with the Eucharist. Alleluia! Christ is risen!
Bring noisemakers, party horns, handbells!