Jacksonville University Choral Concert
April 19, 2024Grow and prosper
April 19, 2024The Episcopal Church is unique. We have the ancient Christian orders of Bishop, Priest, Deacon and Layperson but we also believe in the governance of all members of the church. We want the laity (that is you!) to know what is going on and to make decisions for your community. We want you to know how your Cathedral is doing, to celebrate our victories and mourn our losses. This is our church together, all of us.
This year, our Annual Meeting will take place at 11:30 a.m on Sunday, February 6 in Taliaferro Hall and by Zoom meeting. I will tell you a little bit about the adventures of 2021, we will pray for those who have died this past year, and we will celebrate the retirement of two beloved staff members: Judy Maurer and Marie Tarver. We will also thank our outgoing Vestry members: Jayne Barry Hill, Martha Greene, Laura Lane, Jane Lester, and Joe Kincart, and announce the results of the election.
The meeting should not last much more than one hour. This is your time. And if you want to hear about miracles, join us.
In Christ’s love,